Employer Branding: Best Practices

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It is not unusual for companies to invest in building a brand around their products and services. In fact, scores of marketing agencies support companies in their quest to convince the consumer that they need to choose them over competition.

But what about companies’ internal customers? How are companies ensuring that they not only have the maximum customer base in the market, but also the best talent available, to cater to this large customer base?

Employers are increasingly realizing the importance of building a brand for themselves as an employer. The idea is to be perceived as an employee friendly organization which not only attracts but also retains a highly competent workforce.

Here are the top five best practices that organizations could adopt while building their brand as an employer.

  1. An inviting career page: A career page should not be a space where companies just upload the current openings. Instead, a career page is a great platform for an organization to show case what it feels like to be an employee of your company. Hence, it is important that this ‘all so important’ page is given the due attention, and hoists personalized content. Highlighting the ‘company experience’, listing down the experiences of existing employees, giving a glimpse into the company culture are all elements that a career page should essay to a prospective employee. The page should make the ‘what’s in it for me’ clear for the visitor, and compel him/her to explore the available job openings.
  1. Create talent ambassadors:  Employees are the best brand ambassadors that a company can have. Organizations often use ‘Net Promoter Score’ to identify customers who will are likely to recommend the company. A similar approach can be adopted for employees as well. Identify the employees who are most likely to recommend the company, and leverage them to spread the good word within their network. Employee testimonials are a powerful tool to attract new talent.
  1. Develop an ‘alumni base’:  Several companies do not appreciate the extent to which ‘ex-employees’ influence new talent from joining their workforce. These employees not only have their own personal network, but will also join other organizations which operate in a similar environment. Hence, they could potentially influence the decision, positively or otherwise, of any employee who’s looking out for other opportunities, to join your company. Therefore, it is important to end things on a positive note when an employee is leaving your organization. Companies could also create a community for ex-employees, allowing everyone to be in touch and maintain the good will.
  1. A dynamic social media place:  In addition to a company’s official website, most prospective employees check the various social media pages while considering joining a company. Having a page buzzing with various employee centric activities goes a long way in creating a positive image in the minds of candidates. Posting pictures of various office celebrations, opening of the new cafeteria, employee blog on their experience with the company could all be potential things to post about on your social media page.
  1. Adopt a lifestyle approach for creating the ‘employee experience’:  Millennials are steadily becoming the most dominant section of any workforce. Hence, it is critical that employers keep their motivators in mind while designing the employee experience that they want to offer to their employees. One of the things that drives millennials is maintaining a work-life balance. A work environment which offers enough flexibility to not just do their work in any manner that they want to, but also enables millennials to pursue their interests outside of workplace, is a great USP companies can use to attract and retain employees.

Employers should be clear on the vision that they have for their organization, and employees, and build a brand that communicates that vision. This clarity is critical as all messages that reach to any prospective employees, through any channel, should be consistent.

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