The Heart and Soul of Communication

The Heart and Soul of Communication

For decades now communication gurus have provided us with research, tools and skills to make our communication effective. They have said that the need for having goal focused and structured communication cannot be overemphasized in the corporate corridors and conference rooms

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Channel Challenges

Channel Challenges

In the sales world, a channel is a system of bringing the goods and services from the manufacturer/seller to the buyer/consumer. Any form of management entails some degree of command, influence, and enforcement on either an individual or a team to extract business performance.

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Why Customer Experience Initiatives Fail

Why Customer Experience Initiatives Fail

We have discovered in the last 2 years that “customer centricity” is finally and fast, becoming part of the CEO and leadership teams’ narrative. Cognitively leaders and company boards are acknowledging that the customer should be the front and center of everything they do.

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Demystifying the Millennials

Demystifying the Millennials

Millennials need to be asked what matters, and not told what matters” – Jeff Martins, CEO, Tribal Brands Inc. Millennials could be typically recognized as the latest generational cohort to have stepped into adulthood and the workforce.

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Transforming Performance Management Today

Transforming Performance Management Today

A performance management survey conducted by Brandon Hall found that 70% organisations viewed their performance management programs as average. This statistic raised some alarm signals since the report also found a strong connection between employee retention (linked to managers’ / organisation’s ability to inspire high performance) customer satisfaction and profitability.

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