Creating Value in a VUCA World
One of the greatest challenges for the sales force in the VUCA environment is the increased competition and the skills required to tackle those challenges. All businesses have competitors, and in some cases, competition in some industries is so fierce that competitors have to fight for the business of potential customers.
Creating Robust Individual Development Plans
Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better” -Bill Bradley
Identifying Your High Potential Leaders – Part 1
People are the biggest resource in any organization and, therefore, the high potentials are the most valuable ones. In line with the Pareto Principle, research studies done by Indiana University and University of Iowa suggest that a small section of high potentials drive a large proportion of organizational success (1% high potentials drive 10 % organizational results, 5% high potentials drive 25 % organizational results, and 10% high potentials drive 80 % organizational results).
Sales Management in the VUCA World
In the professional world, the time around the turn of the century brought with itself a strong inclination to the behaviors of the three Fs – Focused Fast and Flexible.
Building Managerial Effectiveness for Mid Managers
The mid-managerial leadership is the life force of any organization – driving organizational vision, strategies and results on one hand and managing people, budgets, operational processes and people development on the other. Mid managers are also the force behind any change or organizational restructuring.
Spotting Your Key Customers
Characteristically, a key account is that valuable customer of your’ s whose loss would have a significant impact on your organization’s profits. Hence, Key account management (KAM) isn’t just about winning new business from your customers but changing the very complexion of how you do business with those customers.
Redefining Leadership Development Journeys
Everything changes and nothing remains still you cannot step twice into the same stream” – This defines today’s leadership development.
The Role of Emotions in Thinking
It has been well established for decades that the area of the brain we associate with strategic thought is the prefrontal cortex. It is this part that allows humans to process things like -pattern recognition, logical thinking ,probability & risk appraisal, and abstract thinking. It is this part that enables managers to solve problems.
Women Leadership Development
India has had the good fortune of witnessing some women redefining corporate leadership, business landscape and the political arena. While this is true, what is also uncomfortably evident is the inequality that prevails with the larger segments of women in these domains.
Management Development Programs
A CEO’s performance is as good as their middle managers” – Med Jones In organizations, if any endeavor has attained the peak of platitudes in concept and in deployment, it must be the ” Management Development Programs”! MDPs for the last 2 decades have vacillated between
Find out more about developing the skills for yourself, your team and your organisation