Leveraging the Power of Social Selling
In the “during Covid era”, organisations have had to work in complete uncertainty vis the environment, politics, economics, market, and customer. Most organisations, world over, are persistently trying out strategies that may help them to emerge from the quagmire.

And the Twain Must Meet
Curiosity changes its colors with age – generally! From the physical to the emotional, material, financial, scientific, technological, religious et all and finally, perhaps for some, spiritual!

Executive Coaching
The answer to this question, fundamentally, decides the success or failure of an executive coaching engagement. The possible answers are tough, specially where an organisation is sponsoring the coaching for a leader / manager / individual contributor.

Managing Customer Experience During COVID-19
The impact of COVID-19 can be seen unequivocally across the globe. Along with taking a toll on human lives, the virus has triggered a major economic crisis across the globe. The outbreak threatens the stability of almost everything from jobs to information systems.

7 Leadership Tips to Handle Crisis
Oxford dictionary defines crisis as a “Time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger”, or “A time when a difficult or important decision must be made”. The year 2020, has brought with it a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, putting businesses and economies off gear.

Driving Sales in a Virtual World
Sales leaders, across almost all types of businesses, are facing complex questions currently:

4 Effective Ways to Conduct Performance Conversations Virtually
Managing a certain proportion of remote workforce is not new for most large organisations! Here are some pre-Covid 19 research findings for you to consider

Diminishing the Difference Between Leadership Development and Leadership Deliverables
The best leadership development programs are those that enhance organizational performance. Any other rationale to leadership development plans just diffuses the objective that they are meant for.

The Evolving Role of a Digital Leader
A successful digital transformation requires a transformational leadership approach. Steering clear of platitudes and cliches, what this means is that a leader in this era needs

Individual Development Plans
As the adage goes: “Some leaders are born. Many are made.” It is incumbent therefore on the Leadership development professionals to take on the onerous responsibility of “making” or help develop leaders.

Find out more about developing the skills for yourself, your team and your organisation