“The difference between good and excellent”
TMI is a global consulting firm with a focus on transformational work for the past nearly 5 decades.
Ever since our foundation in 1975, we have directly influenced and inspired more than 6,000,000 people worldwide. We continue to have a positive impact on the lives and performance of over 250,000 individuals working in a wide range of organizations each year.
As InspireOne, TMI’s exclusive Indian network partner, we have been carrying out these tasks in the region for nearly 20 years.

“What started in the living room of the (later conferred) 9th Quality Guru of the world Claus Moller as Time Manager International, is now a flourishing global network of partners, known as TMI – Transformation Managed by Inspiration.”
Customer Experience Expertise
TMI created a tool called ‘Customer Journey Mapping’ as well as the term ‘Moments of Truth’ in our work with Scandinavian Airlines:
This tool was used to map out, as Jan Calrzen put it:
“Never to be repeated opportunities we have to distinguish ourselves from each and every one of our competitors…”
The American Management Association called this one of the most important developments in management in the 20th century. The changes led to SAS being named Airline of the year.BA approached TM to make BA more attractive to sellers as it became privatized. TMI took on the project involving all BA’s 36,400 people and developed “Putting People First”. Three years later BA was named the world’s favorite airline.
TMI’s Contribution To Customer Experience Thought Leadership
“Branded Customer Service packs the punches about really great customer service. It gives the reader an insight into how to differentiate through service and how to win. If you are really committed to getting the most out of your brand, read this book!”
Mark Bergdahl, CEO, Customer Intimacy, Limited
“Dell launched a corporate-wide program focusing on the customer experience as a key differentiation in our industry. Janelle was an instrumental part of our corporate rollout of this initiative. Many of the insights and sensitivities she shared with us are covered in great detail in her book. Emotional Value should be a must-read book.”