Middle managers are a vital link for any organization. They play a crucial role in executing strategy of an organization. They must translate the business strategy into operational plans and energize the front line of the organization to “make it happen”.

Middle managers need to effectively influence their peers and collaborate across functions to ensure successful strategy execution. They need to inspire their teams and create a high-performance culture.

It is critical for organizations to “strengthen” this vital link as not doing so can translate into significant loss of momentum and organization energy.

As is evident above, the role of middle managers is tough. They can get constantly pulled into different directions. Infact, research indicates that mid-level managers are  46% less satisfied with their jobs than senior executives.

The Mid-level managers include organization’s Regional Managers, General Managers, Directors, Unit Heads and Vice Presidents. Equipping them to successfully lead from the middle is crucial as they have a multiplier effect on the organization performance.

Our experience of over 2 decades of working on mid-level leadership development, across industries corroborates that the Mid-level leaders can enhance or dilute sustainable growth in an organisation.

Based on our practical experience of helping some of the world’s leading organizations to develop their Middle managers, InspireOne offers several middle Managers training programs.


Inspire, Guide, Nurture to unlock team potential.

People leadership has always been one of the key roles of Mid-level leaders. A middle manager needs to be an excellent people leader and needs to role model great people leadership. However, because of changing market environment, middle managers face some new people leadership challenges:

  • Leading through Emotional Intelligence
  • Displaying ownership and a sense of belonging
  • Maximizing output through collaboration
  • Managing stakeholder relationships and conflicts
  • Focusing on developing capability
  • Managing performance conversations

IGNite is based on an award winning program which equips middle managers with most critical people leadership skills so that they can perform their role effectively. Our program has been created basis more than 25 years of practical experience and research in helping organizations develop better people managers.

Maximizing Leadership Impact

Maximizing leadership impact is a transitions program that helps managers to transition into the role of a Mid-Level manager. When a leader transitions from the role of manager of people to the role of a manager of managers, she/he needs support on a range of capabilities. Specially they need capabilities around four leadership clusters:

  • Thinking Cluster: Developing a strategic perspective on their unit’s strategy and how that fits with the overall organization strategy. Navigating complexity through effective decision making.
  • Developing Cluster: Leading and developing talent in their team. Effectively handling large teams.
  • Inspiring & Influencing Cluster: Effectively leading across boundaries. Influencing and collaborating with multiple stakeholders.
  • Results Cluster: Driving high performance in a changing world, create organization alignment and ensure effective strategic execution.

Maximizing Leadership Impact is a well-structured robust program that helps Mid-level leaders to effectively perform their role.

Please click below to know more about these Mid-Level Managers training programs.

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